
Independence on the Road

Be your own boss whilst being an essential part of our growing team.

Competitive Benefits

Enjoy a comprehensive package that acknowledges and rewards your hard work.

Rigorous Training

Our drivers are the face of our brand; we ensure you're equipped with the best training and tools.
About us

Commitment to Excellence

SPDY Logistics is renowned for its Multi Drop courier deliveries throughout the UK.

We are experts in third-party logistics and stand out in the industry, collaborating with prestigious companies and popular brands.

We place great value on service excellence, ensuring we fully meet our customers’ needs and always deliver on time.

Multi-Drop Courier Deliveries – Efficient routes ensuring timely deliveries..
Third-Party Logistics – Seamless integrations with businesses of all sizes.
Real-time Tracking – Advanced telematics providing customers with timely updates.
Rigorous Training: best training and tools.

Speed & Precision Defined

SPDY Logistics – Your Ultimate Delivery Solution.

Beyond Logistics

With SPDY, Experience Excellence in Every Delivery.

Connecting the UK, One Parcel at a Time

Trust SPDY for Timely and Reliable Service.


Expert Team

Our team boasts decades of combined experience in logistics, ensuring that we meet the unique needs of each client. From handling high-volume deliveries for major retailers to providing tailored solutions for smaller businesses, our expertise stands unmatched in the industry.

Dedication and Professionalism:

Our drivers are chosen based on their commitment to excellence. They don’t just deliver packages; they deliver SPDY SAFE PARCEL’s promise of top-tier service.

Rigorous Training:

Before hitting the road, each driver undergoes comprehensive training ensuring they uphold the highest standards of service and safety.

We are dedicated to support you



Are you a dedicated driver looking for an opportunity to take your career to the next level? At SPDY SAFE PARCEL, we invite you to become part of our growing family of delivery professionals. With a commitment to excellence, we offer comprehensive training, competitive benefits, and the chance to be your own boss. If you believe in timely deliveries and top-notch customer service, you belong with SPDY SAFE PARCEL.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)